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dimanche 9 octobre 2011

Videos : Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia [RFDS] History and Cairns Museum, Queensland

Videos : Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia Cairns (Queensland) Museum and RFDS history
Queensland. Beech craft Queen Air at RFDS Museum in Cairns.
 (films de l'histoire des médecins volants d'Australie et de son musée de Cairns avec un Beechcraft Queen Air en exposition)
Musique/ Music : Lynyrd Skynyrd "Free Bird" Songwriters/composé par : Collins, Allen; Vanzant, Ronald (Ronnie)


The Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia (RFDS) began in 1928. It was formed by Reverend John Flynn, the first Superintendent of the Australian Inland Mission (AIM), a branch of the Presbyterian Church of Australia. He witnessed the daily struggle of pioneers living in remote areas where just two doctors provided the only medical care for an area of almost 2 million square kilometres. Flynn’s vision was to provide a ‘mantle of safety’ for these people and on 15 May 1928, his dream had become a reality with the opening of the Australian Inland Mission Aerial Medical Service (later renamed the Royal Flying Doctor Service) in Cloncurry.

« Darcy was a stockman in Western Australia. After being found injured, with a ruptured bladder, by some friends, he was transported over 30 miles (12 hours), to the nearest town, Halls Creek. Here, Darcy was met by FW Tuckett, the Postmaster, and the only man in the settlement trained in first aid. Tuckett said there was nothing he could reliably do for injuries so serious, and tried unsuccessfully to contact doctors at Wyndham, and then Derby, by telegraph. He eventually got through to a doctor in Perth. Through communication by morse code, Dr Holland guided Tuckett through two rather messy bladder operations utilising the only sharp instrument available, a pen knife. Due to the total absence of any medical facilities, Darcy had been operated on strapped to the Post Office counter, having first been made insensible with whisky. Holland then travelled 10 days to Halls Creek on a boat for cattle transport, a Model T Ford, a horse drawn carriage, and even on foot, only to find that Darcy had died the day before. To rub salt in the wound, the operations had been successful, but the stockman had died from an undiagnosed case of malaria and a ruptured abscess in his appendix. It was from stories such as this that Flynn, and his following at the AIM, became inspired to develop a route of communications that could solve the problem of remoteness. However, no feasible technology seemed apparent. » (source : RFDS wikipedia)

Le Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia est une organisation de secours en Australie. Elle apporte une aide médicale aux populations isolées du pays. Le révérend John Flynn (25 novembre 1880 - 5 mai 1951) était un pasteur presbytérien et aviateur australien qui a créé le Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS), premier service d'ambulances aériennes au monde. En 1917, Flynn envisageait déjà la possibilité de nouvelles technologies, comme la radio et l'aviation, pour fournir un service plus pointu d'aides médicales et il reçut ensuite une lettre d'un pilote australien de la Première Guerre mondiale, Clifford Peel, qui avait entendu parler des projets de Flynn et décrivant les fonctionnalités et les coûts de avions alors disponibles. Cette liste fut publiée dans le magazine de l'église, le début de la collecte de fonds considérable pour créer un service médical volant. Le premier vol eut lieu en 1928 à partir de Cloncurry, au Queensland. En 1934, l’Australian Aerial Medical Service était créé et progressivement un réseau national mis en place.

Le « Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia » a été créé en 1928 par le révérend John Flynn : extrait de wikipedia : « L'invention des Flying Doctors En 1917, Darcy, un stockman2 qui travaille à Ruby Plains Station, une ferme située à 75 kilomètres au sud de la ville, se blesse gravement en tombant de cheval. Ramené à Hall's Creek par ses compagnons après 12 heures de voyage, le postier contacte Derby et Wyndham par télégraphe pour qu'un docteur soit dépêché sur place. Aucun d'eux n'étant disponible, le postier réussit néanmoins à joindre le docteur J. Holland à Perth. Le blessé devant être immédiatement opéré, le docteur transmet ses instructions en morse afin que le postier se charge lui-même de l'intervention. L'opération va durer sept heures sans aucun anesthésique. Le lendemain, le cas du patient semble se détériorer et s'engage alors une course contre la montre. Holland décide de se rendre au chevet du patient: il saute dans un bateau, débarque à Derby et fait les kilomètres restant en Ford T, à cheval et à pied mais, le voyage ayant duré plusieurs jours, il ne réussit pas à arriver à temps pour sauver le stockman. Darcy, décède la veille de son arrivée à Old Town. Ce drame fut relaté par tous les quotidiens et émut profondément le pays dans son entier, et notamment le révérend John Flynn. Flynn s'inspira de cette histoire pour créer ce qui deviendra plus tard le Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia, ces médecins volants qui sont l'un des symboles de l'Australie. » (source : invention de RFDS wikipedia)

 Royal Flying Doctor Service Bases in Australia


Photos : Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia [RFDS] Cairns Museum

Photos : Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia [RFDS] Cairns Museum (photos prises au musée des Docteurs Volants d'Australie, Beechcraft Queen Air, cabine de pilotage]

[RFDS] Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia Cairns Museum Beechcraft Queen Air sign 
[click on the photo to enlarge it]

RFDS Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia Cairns Museum Beechcraft Queen Air
[RFDS] Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia Cairns Museum Beechcraft Queen Air 
[click on the photo to enlarge it]

Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia Cairns Museum Beechcraft Queen Air
[RFDS] Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia Cairns Museum Beechcraft Queen Air 
[click on the photo to enlarge it]

Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia Cairns Museum Beechcraft Queen Air cockpit 
[RFDS] Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia Cairns Museum Beechcraft Queen Air Cockpit 
[click on the photo to enlarge it]

Photos : Royal Flying Doctor Service [RFDS] of Australia aircrafts

Photos : Royal Flying Doctor Service [RFDS] of Australia aircrafts (photos des avions des docteurs volants en Australie en vol et décollages, en 1954 et 2011)

Royal Flying Doctor Service RFDS of Australia aircraft taking off in 1954 
Royal Flying Doctor Service [RFDS] of Australia aircraft taking off in 1954 
[click on the photo to enlarge it]

Royal Flying Doctor Service RFDS of Australia aircraft taking off in 1954 
Royal Flying Doctor Service [RFDS] of Australia aircraft taking off in 1954 
[click on the photo to enlarge it]

Royal Flying Doctor Service RFDS of Australia aircraft taking off in 2011 
Royal Flying Doctor Service [RFDS] of Australia aircraft taking off in 2011 
[click on the photo to enlarge it]

Royal Flying Doctor Service RFDS of Australia aircraft flying in 2011 
Royal Flying Doctor Service [RFDS] of Australia aircraft flying in 2011 
[click on the photo to enlarge it]

source : Videos : Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia Cairns (Queensland) Museum and RFDS history -

Photos : Royal Flying Doctor Service [RFDS] of Australia

Black and White Photos : Royal Flying Doctor Service [RFDS] of Australia, aircrafts (photos en noir et blanc des avions des docteurs volants en Australie atterrissages en 1948 et 1952)

Royal Flying Doctor Service of  Australia aircraft landing in 1948
Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia aircraft landing in 1948 
[click on the photo to enlarge it]

Royal Flying Doctor Service of  Australia aircraft in 1952 
Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia aircraft in 1952 
[click on the photo to enlarge it]

Royal Flying Doctor Service of  Australia aircraft landing in 1952
Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia aircraft landing in 1952 
[click on the photo to enlarge it]

source : Videos : Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia Cairns (Queensland) Museum and RFDS history -

Photos : Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) of Australia

Photos : Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) of Australia  :

Photo taken in the Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia  museum in Cairns Queensland 
Photo taken in the Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia museum in Cairns, Queensland [click on the photo to enlarge it]

twenty australian dollar bank note with John Flynn, Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia founder
20 australian dollar bank note with John Flynn, Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia founder

old Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia logo 
Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia logo on a Beechcraft, museum in Cairns, Queensland [click on the photo to enlarge it]
[In 1955, the logo was redrawn and updated in 1955 when the word “Royal” was added to the Service’s title. The left side of the laurel wreath was positioned behind the propeller blades]
Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia logo in 2011
Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia logo in 2011 [ Behind the logo, RFDS website]

Royal Flying Doctor Service bases around Australia
Royal Flying Doctor Service, bases around Australia [photo source]